“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
— Quincy Adams
Advocacy is how we work with our schools, our district, and our state to get the services our children need to succeed academically and socially. Together, we are the force behind positive change – for our children, and all highly capable children.
What is Advocacy?
CPA Advocacy
The CPA advocates for our students’ needs within Edmonds School District and at the state level. We meet with educators and administrators within the district to ensure a continuum of K-12 educational services for our children.
Because state legislative districts often include multiple school districts, we connect with parent advocacy groups from neighboring school districts such as Northshore, Shoreline, and Lake Washington in order to have greater impact with our legislators.
CPA is a member of our regional organizations, Northwest Gifted Child Association (NWGCA), and the state lobbying group Washington Coalition for Gifted Education (WCGE), who collaborate to create a consistent advocacy mission and message, and organize an annual advocacy Gifted Education Day (GED) in Olympia.
Below are two simple ways to advocate on behalf of your child and the highly capable programs:
Find your state legislators and contact them
Contact your state legislators at least once a year about education issues. Identify yourself as parents of a gifted (or highly-capable) student, and voice your support for bills that will benefit our students.
Attend and participate in the Gifted Education Day (GED)
The Washington Coalition for Gifted Education plans a day called Gifted Education Day (GED) to meet at the state capital and advocate for gifted education. This is a great opportunity to make our voices heard. We hope you will join us.
Take Action
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)’s Highly Capable Program office monitors programs in each school district. OSPI has produced two reports that are frequently referred to regarding program funding:
Highly Capable Program Technical Working Group Recommendations (2010)
Addressing Underrepresentation of Student Populations in Gifted Programs (2009)
Washington Association of Educators of the Gifted and Talented (WAETAG) coordinates an autumn teacher conference annually, to provide an opportunity for teachers teaching in the gifted programs throughout the state to connect, learn and share. The University of Washington’s Robinson Center for Young Scholars also typically hosts a few events every year for educators and parents, in addition to providing classes.
On the national level, the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) provides resources for students, parents, teachers, and schools, and hosts an annual conference. In addition, NAGC maintains a federal advocacy program for gifted education.